Saturday, 4 February 2012

Semen vs cervical mucus

Posted by Nia at 17:58
Kita yang ttc ni selalunya akan monitor keadaan vag**a kita, apakah kita dah nak nak ovulate, ovulate atau dah lepas ovulate? Beberapa cara lain adalah menggunakan BBT, microscope ovulation dan ovulation kit. Namun kita sukar mengenalpasti sama ada kita ovulate atau tidak dengan penggunaan BBT, sebab selalunya bila suhu naik barulah kita tahu yang kita telah ovulate. Salah satu cara adalah mengenalpasti pengeluaran cervical mucus (CM), pendek kata, ada CM, maknanya ovulation sedang datang menjengah.

Saya sendiri semalam mengalami kesukaran untuk mengenalpasti apakah ia semen fluid atau CM. Of course lepas kita berBD ada lagi lebihan semen yang terkeluar selepas beberapa jam kan...Jadi, tadi saya masuk ke beberapa website, rupanya ramai juga Q&A berkenaan perkara ini.

Saya cuma copy & paste ok;

EWCM is stretchy:  EWCM is very elastic.  If you put it between your fingers, it will stretch without breaking apart.  Semen, on the other hand, doesn’t stretch and will break apart if you put it between your fingers and try to stretch it.

EWCM is slippery and clear:  While semen may feel slippery as well, it looks white and cloudy.  Not clear, like EWCM.  EWCM is more transparent and feels very slippery.

EWCM does not absorb easily:  If you look at the toilet paper when you use the bathroom and notice mucous on the toilet paper, you can tell if it is actually mucous by waiting a few minutes.  If it is semen it will quickly absorb into the toilet paper, whereas EWCM generally will sit on top of the toilet paper.

EWCM will form a ball in water:  When you go to the bathroom, let the mucous drop into the toilet water.  If it turns into a ball and sinks, it is most likely EWCM.  If it dissolves into the water, it is most likely semen.

Tapi bagaimanakah kalau kita tidak nampak CM langsung? Apakah kita tidak ovulate? Saya ada search pasal benda ni juga.

Because cervical mucus helps sperm survive and travel from the cervix up to the uterus and fallopian tubes, a lack of quality fertile cervical mucus can make getting pregnant difficult. It may also be a symptom of another problem that may be causing infertility.

There are a number of potential causes of little or no fertile cervical mucus.

Medication Side Effects

Some medications can dry up or decrease the quality of your cervical mucus. Those drugs may include:

  • Anti-histamines or allergy medications
  • Cough suppressants
  • Cold and sinus medications, especially if they include a cough suppressant or anti-histamines
  • Some sleep aids
  • Atropine
  • Propantheline
  • Clomid
  • Some anti-depressants and epilepsy drugs

If you're taking any of the above medications, and you suspect they are preventing you from having fertile quality cervical mucus, talk to your doctor about your options for switching medications. If that's not possible, ask about potential ways to get around the medication's side effects.
Note: Never discontinue or change the dosage of a medication without first consulting with your doctor

Tengah searching ni, ada ada terjumpa supplements yang boleh membantu kita untuk meningkatkan jumlah CM, iaitu dengan penggunaan Preseed dan Fertile CM. Saya dah membeli Preseed ni, rasanya dah 2 tahun dah. Tapi masih lagi belum habis sebab saya cuma menggunakannya masa 'kecemasan' saja...Lagi elok kalau digunakan masa ovulate. Kalau masa bukan ovulation terasa rugi jek...Yang FertileCM ni macam best la...:)

While you can increase your fertile cervical mucus by removing the aforementioned factors from your lifestyle, you can also do things like drink more water to hydrate the fluids in your cervix.

Other options include using a sperm friendly lubricant that mimics fertile cervical mucus such as Preseed.  Developed by Dr. Joanna Ellington Pre Seed sperm friendly lubricant helps to nourish and help the sperm to reach the egg.  Click here to learn more about Preseed.

FertileCM by Dr. Amos Grunebaum is an all natural supplement that helps women to increase the quality and quantity of their fertile cervical mucus internally.  Most women experience problems with dryness while trying to get pregnant due to the stress and anxiety that accompanies timed love-making.  Click here to learn more about Fertile CM.


Unknown on 5 February 2012 at 21:17 said...

nak tanye. kalao purata cycle saya 40 days, bila plg sesuai saya nk guna ovulation test?

nk ikut kiraan logik/nak kne tggu CM keluar?

eja on 6 February 2012 at 00:38 said...

Saya pun selalu confused..
lebih2 lgi bila 1-2 hari lepas bersama..semen ke cm..
tapi sejak ambil Diane untuk betulkan period ni, miss V sentiasa kering jerk...huhu

Nia on 6 February 2012 at 17:47 said...

Leeda: Saya describe ni secara teori la ye, secara umumnya luteal phase dalam 12 hari dan waktu subur dalam 7 hari, kalo purata cycle 40,40 - 19 = 21 hari. So better cek ovulation dalam DPO21 gitu. Cuma saya tak tahu la macammana accuracy ovulation kit yang murah-murah ni...huhuhu...mungkin kena guna yang mahal kut, tapi rasa tak berbaloi sebab 5 batang RM50. Yek la untuk sesetengah org nak tgk CM tu pun agak susah kan...

Siti: sekarang ni,saya tengah amik clomid dan penah juga terperasan ada CM. Dalam tahun lepas kut saya makan clomid dan cucuk puregon, memang terasa sangat vag**a bila on medication rasanya tak perlulah kita monitor CM. Tapi oleh kerana CM penting utk membantu sperm sampai ke situ, better la gunakan benda pelincir yang mesra sperm, cthnya Preseed.

Urm, saya bagitau ni berdasarkan teori daripada pembacaan saya je...huhuhu...

Sizuka on 7 February 2012 at 18:46 said...

salam perkenalan..jemput singgah blog sy.. Menggapai bintang... boleh share info =)

Unknown on 9 February 2012 at 17:34 said...

btl la tu plg ingt around 2 mggu sblm period mmg akn ade CM.

saya pergi Guardian Giant tgk harga 1 btg ovulation test RM18.90. sakit mata btl la tgk harga. 4 btg dh dlm RM70 lbh.

kalo 1 dlm rm10 saya sanggup lg.

sapa tahu online store yang jual ovulation test murah sikit?

sapa yg tgh on clomid, ade tak usaha dgn lain2 jgk cth madu, susu.. kwn saya bgtau rebus kulit delima. minum 7 hr pastu rht 7 hr, pastu minum lg 7 hr. org tahu petua tu dr Tanyalah Ustaz.

Unknown on 9 February 2012 at 18:03 said...

entry terbaru.

Nia on 9 February 2012 at 19:24 said...

sizuka: saya dah add awak :)thanks, at least boleh share info.

Leeda: saya ada beli ovulation test murah, saya ada post kat sini; Awak boleh contact die ok.

Saya macam berminat la dengan rebusan kulit delima tu...logik juga sebab delima memang menambahkan kesuburan kan...thanks ya for sharing info.

Nia on 9 February 2012 at 19:28 said...

Leeda, nape tak boleh nak comment awak eh?

Unknown on 17 February 2012 at 20:21 said...

aik, saYA x filter ape2 pon..b4 ni org komen ade jer..cuba lg..


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